Tuesday, June 19, 2012

David Hockney video

Click here for a video with David Hockney that shows some of his landscape paintings in the studio in progress. He also discusses the changing nature of landscape as a subject.


  1. I've watched a few of Hockney's videos now, including a feature length vid documenting his process, his going out into the field with his multiple canvases (multi paneled paintings), and even showing his adopting of newer technology with paint programs. I love his work because of his ability to boil down the essence of colors in his compositions. Grey is not a term that really fits into any description of his work.
    What I also love is the solidity of the forms without necessarily creating stiffness. The forms seem to balance the strong colors which in of themselves create the visual effect of movement within the pieces. One of the most interesting parts of the vid is showing how he plans out the colors from the start using photoshop(?) He is old but definitely not out of the game yet.


  2. I love Hockney's use of color. He incorporates local color, say like green in part of a tree, yet it does not look like a local color. I don't know exactly the scene he was looking at, but the colors he uses seem more saturated than what I would think would be in the real life scene.

    The way he creates texture is interesting too. He may put a block of color down, but then he'll go back with smaller brush strokes and alternate colors to add more to it.


  3. I love David Hockney's work,and the colors he uses in his landscapes.Some of his work is cartoony,like the one above and he uses complementary colors in his painting and the more saturated the paintings are they look pastel like which makes the paintings more in depth.The different shades of greens and yellows he uses in the video in his other landscapes makes his paintings amazing.I love David Hockney's work,and the colors he uses in his landscapes.Some of his work is cartoony,like the one above and he uses complementary colors in his painting and the more saturated the paintings are they look pastel like which makes the paintings more in depth.The different shades of greens and yellows he uses in the video in his other landscapes makes his paintings amazing.I also love painting with the trees above. The red/ raw umber along with the black branches on the white background make it stand out even more.The greens of the grass and the complementary colors are also great. -deb sousa

  4. I like that David Hockney considers the "constant change" of nature when he's painting a landscape and creates the implication of such a movement through color and directional composition. Overall he has a very interesting interpretation of color theory regardless of whether he uses mostly local or non-local colors; I think I'll try his idea that the "color effect is better with bigger areas."

  5. I think what makes David Hockney stand out from other landscape artist is his use of colors and brushwork. His paintings consist of solid strokes with vibrant colors, very illustrated quality in a sense. When I watched the video, I found it amusing how Hockney’s preference of clothing matched the type of vibrancy and color he uses in his paintings. It shows a bit of his character that manifests in his work. The most prominent aspect that was prevalent in his paintings was this worm like detailing he depicted. Most of his details look like squiggly worms if that sounds believable.

    Overall, Hockney seems like a great artist with a unique style that represents him.

    ~Tsultrim Tenzin

  6. What has interested me about David Hockney is his multi panel artwork. He creates artwork that is continuous across many panels of canvas. They could be grouped into smaller groups or put together to represent a big mural like the one shown in this.

    His fauvist approach of colors makes his artwork vibrant.

    It has been my dream to paint a multi-panel artwork.

    - Anuradha Raghuraman.

  7. What I appreciate most is how David Hockney uses textures vs flat space. Also the vibrant colors and solid straight strokes provide a great display of balance. He also uses cell shading especially on the tree trunk.

  8. I like Hockneys pieces a lot, mostly attibuted to his unique style of painting representational with using local an none local colors. He will see many colors in a object he is painting and expose it. For example blue on a tree. He also has a good use of texture and balances different types of texture very well, allowing them to complement each other.
    -Matt McGill
